1) гироскоп 2) авиагоризонт 3) гирокомпас; гиродатчик • to cage the gyroscope — арретировать гироскоп; to slave the gyroscope — согласовывать гироскоп; to uncage the gyroscope — разарретировать гироскоп - air-driven gyroscope - attitude gyroscope - azimuth gyroscope - body-mounted gyroscope - cageable gyroscope - directional gyroscope - equilateral triangle gyroscope - fiber-optic gyroscope - free gyroscope - free-floating gyroscope - free-rotor gyroscope - laser gyroscope - magnetic-resonance gyroscope - master vertical gyroscope - optical gyroscope - rate gyroscope - ring laser gyroscope - rotating wheel gyroscope - stabilizer directional gyroscope - tuned rotor gyroscope - vacuum-driven gyroscope - vertical gyroscope
Англо-русский перевод GYROSCOPE
РУССО. Big English-Russian polytechnic dictionary Russo. Большой Англо-Русский политехнический словарь РУССО. 1997