Англо-русский перевод STATE

1) состояние 2) положение 3) режим (работы) 4) (энергетический) уровень; (энергетическое) состояние 5) утверждать; формулировать 6) корректурный оттиск с гравюры • state as received — 1. в состоянии поставки 2. в состоянии непосредственно после (технологической) обработки; in heat-treated state — в термически обработанном состоянии; in preloaded state — с предварительным натягом - active state - aggregative state - allowed state - amorphous state - as-cast state - austenitic state - balanced state - blocking state - bound state - breakdown state - charged state - completely failed state - completely operable state - condensed state - conducting state - critical state - crystalline state - cutoff state - dead state - deenergized state - deep-lying state - deep state - degenerate state - dissociating state - disturbed state - don't care state - dopant-induced state - dynamic balance state - dynamic state of power system - elastic state - emergency maintenance state - emergency state - empty state - energy state - equilibrium state - eutectic state - excited state - failed state - filled state - final state - fluidized state - forced state - free state - functioning state - fundamental state - gaseous state - gel state - glassy state - green state - ground quantum state - ground state - high-elasticity state - impurity state - indifferent state - initial state - in-service state - intermediate state - ionization state - joint state - labile state - latent state - liquid state - liquid-crystal state - logic state - magnetic state - marginal state - martensitic state - metastable state - molten state - nonconducting state - nondegenerate state - nonequilibrium state - nonsteady state - occupied state - off state - on state - on-line parallel redundant state - original operating state - partial operable state - phase state - physical state - planar stressed state - plastic state - postemergency state - power system emergency state - power system hunting state - power system state - prerigor state - process state - pyroplastic state - quantum state - quasi-stationary state - quiescent state - ready state - redundant state - reference state - remanent state - reset state - resistive state - rubberlike state - set state - shallow-lying state - shallow state - solid state - stable state - standby redundant state - standby state - state of inventory - state of nonoperability - state of operability - state of reservoir depletion - stationary state - strained state - strain state - stressed state - stress state - stress-free state - supervisor state - surface state - suspension state - task state - three-dimensional stress state - transient state - trapping state - triaxial stress state - two-dimensional stress state - unbound state - unfilled state - uniaxial stress state - unoccupied state - unperturbed working state - unstable state - vacant state - vaporized state - wait state - yield state - zero state - zero-wait state

РУССО. Big English-Russian polytechnic dictionary Russo.      Большой Англо-Русский политехнический словарь РУССО.