Англо-русский перевод BOILER

1) котёл; котлоагрегат

2) бойлер

3) кипятильник; перегонный куб

4) испаритель

to bank boiler — поддерживать котёл в горячем резерве;

to fire (to kindle) boiler — растапливать котёл

- auxiliary boiler

- back boiler

- balanced-draft boiler

- barrel boiler

- base-load boiler

- bent-tube boiler

- boot boiler

- box-header boiler

- circulation boiler

- close-coupled arch boiler

- close-coupled screen boiler

- coal-fired boiler

- coiled tube boiler

- combined-circulation boiler

- controlled combustion zone boiler

- controlled-circulation boiler

- controlled-superheat boiler

- conventional arch boiler

- cooking boiler

- corner-fired boiler

- cross-baffled boiler

- cross-drum boiler

- curing pan boiler

- cyclone-fired boiler

- donkey boiler

- double-furnace boiler

- downdraft boiler

- drum boiler

- dual-fuel boiler

- electric boiler

- electrode boiler

- exhaust-heat boiler

- externally fired boiler

- field-erected boiler

- fire-tube boiler

- flue boiler

- fluidized bed boiler

- forced-circulation boiler

- gas-fired boiler

- get-you-home boiler

- heating boiler

- heat-recovery boiler

- high-duty boiler

- hood-waste-heat boiler

- horizontal water-tube boiler

- horizontal-return tubular boiler

- horizontal-tube waste-heat boiler

- hot-water boiler

- house-service boiler

- industrial boiler

- integral-furnace boiler

- juice boiler

- land-type boiler

- lower boiler

- marine boiler

- mobile boiler

- modulized boiler

- multipass boiler

- multiple-circulation boiler

- natural-circulation boiler

- natural-draft boiler

- nuclear waste boiler

- oil-burning boiler

- once-through boiler

- open-pass boiler

- package boiler

- parallel-baffled boiler

- peak-load boiler

- pitch boiler

- portable boiler

- positive-pressure boiler

- pot-type boiler

- power boiler

- pressure-fired boiler

- propulsion boiler

- radiant-superheater boiler

- recovery boiler

- reheat boiler

- shell boiler

- single-furnace boiler

- single-pass boiler

- smoke-tube boiler

- steam boiler

- stoker boiler

- supercritical boiler

- tangentially-fired boiler

- top-supported boiler

- twin-furnace boiler

- two-drum boiler

- two-furnace boiler

- upper boiler

- variable pressure boiler

- vertical boiler

- wall-fired boiler

- waste-heat boiler

- water boiler

- water-tube boiler

- wort boiler

Big English-Russian polytechnic dictionary .      Большой Англо-Русский политехнический словарь.