1) усиление; армирование
2) арматура
3) окантовка ( тетради, листа )
4) скрепление листов по кромке корешка
5) обогащение витаминами и минеральными веществами
to anchor reinforcement — анкеровать арматуру;
to congest with reinforcement — насыщать арматурой;
to jack reinforcement — натягивать арматуру домкратами;
to posttension reinforcement — натягивать арматуру на бетон;
to pretension reinforcement — натягивать арматуру на упоры;
to tension reinforcement — натягивать [напрягать] арматуру;
to tension reinforcement by electrical heating — натягивать арматуру электротермическим способом
- auxiliary reinforcement
- bar reinforcement
- bar-mat reinforcement
- cable reinforcement
- carbon reinforcement
- chime reinforcement
- compression reinforcement
- confinement reinforcement
- cord reinforcement
- core reinforcement
- diagonal reinforcement
- distribution reinforcement
- double reinforcement
- effective reinforcement
- fabric reinforcement
- fibrous-glass reinforcement
- filler reinforcement
- film reinforcement
- flake reinforcement
- four-way reinforcement
- glass fiber reinforcement
- graphite reinforcement
- helical reinforcement
- high-tensile reinforcement
- hoop reinforcement
- hose reinforcement
- lateral reinforcement
- longitudinal reinforcement
- main reinforcement
- masonry reinforcement
- mesh reinforcement
- microfiber reinforcement
- modulus reinforcement
- negative-moment reinforcement
- nonprestressed reinforcement
- nylon reinforcement
- particular reinforcement
- positive-moment reinforcement
- prestressed reinforcement
- principal reinforcement
- reinforcement of rubber
- ribbon reinforcement
- rigid reinforcement
- rock reinforcement
- secondary reinforcement
- shear reinforcement
- silica reinforcement
- single reinforcement
- spiral reinforcement
- steel reinforcement
- stiff reinforcement
- strand reinforcement
- string reinforcement
- tensile reinforcement
- three-dimensional reinforcement
- tied reinforcement
- transverse reinforcement
- two-way reinforcement
- underfoot reinforcement
- unidirectional reinforcement
- welded reinforcement
- wire-fabric reinforcement