1) скорость
2) вектор скорости
3) быстродействие
- actual exhaust velocity
- angular velocity
- angular velocity in pitch
- angular velocity in roll
- angular velocity in yaw
- apparent velocity
- approach velocity
- average cross-section velocity
- average velocity
- axial velocity
- axis velocity
- bottom velocity
- bubble slip velocity
- bubble-rise velocity
- carrier velocity
- central surface velocity
- characteristic velocity
- charge-drift velocity
- charge-transfer velocity
- circularization delta velocity
- circumferential velocity
- closing-in velocity
- cold velocity
- competent velocity
- contact velocity
- coolant sonic velocity
- crack velocity
- delta velocity
- deorbit delta velocity
- depth-mean velocity
- descent velocity
- effective recombination velocity
- encounter velocity
- entrance velocity
- envelope velocity
- eroding velocity
- exit velocity
- fall velocity
- flame velocity
- flooding velocity
- flood-wave velocity
- flow velocity
- fracture velocity
- free-falling velocity
- friction velocity
- ground velocity
- group velocity
- growth velocity
- heave velocity
- hot velocity
- impact velocity of oxygen
- initial velocity
- inlet velocity
- interface velocity
- interstitial velocity
- interval velocity
- irregular velocity
- jet velocity
- linear growth velocity
- linear velocity
- liquid space velocity
- longitudinal velocity
- marker velocity
- mass velocity
- mean subareal velocity
- mean velocity in section
- mean velocity in vertical
- near-bed velocity
- noneroding velocity
- normalized velocity
- on-orbit maneuver delta velocity
- outflow velocity
- outlet velocity
- pair velocity
- peripheral velocity
- permissible canal velocity
- phase velocity
- pitch line velocity
- pulse velocity
- refrigerant velocity
- relative phase velocity
- relative velocity
- relativistic velocity
- required delta velocity
- rewetting velocity
- rotary velocity
- scanning velocity
- scan velocity
- scouring velocity
- seepage velocity
- settling velocity
- sideslip velocity
- sinking velocity
- slip velocity
- solid velocity
- spouting velocity
- stacking velocity
- step velocity
- suction velocity
- superficial velocity
- supersonic velocity
- surge velocity
- swinging velocity
- synchronous velocity
- target velocity
- terminal velocity
- threshold velocity
- tip velocity
- transporting velocity
- transverse velocity
- ultrasound thin plate velocity
- ultrasound thin rod velocity
- uniform velocity
- valve velocity
- velocity of roll periphery
- wave velocity
- weight hourly space velocity
- weight space velocity