1) колесо; колёсико 2) зубчатое колесо, шестерня 3) маховик 4) маховичок 5) штурвал; рулевое колесо 6) шлифовальный круг 7) круговое движение; вращение 8) катить 9) поворачивать • to rubber-cover a wheel — обрезинивать колесо to turn a wheel — провернуть колесо - abrasion wheel - abrasive wheel - adhesion wheel - adjusting wheel - angular wheel - band wheel - band-brake wheel - bevel gear wheel - brake wheel - breast wheel - brush wheel - buffing wheel - cable wheel - castor wheel - chain wheel - channel wheel - control wheel - cylinder grinding wheel - dish wheel - disk wheel - double-wheel - drive wheel - drop centre wheel - external teeth gear wheel - extra wheel - face-grinding wheel - fettling wheel - flanged wheel - fleet wheel - follower wheel - fore wheel - free wheel - friction driving wheel - friction wheel - fuel-throwing wheel - gear wheel - Geneva wheel - gin wheel - guide wheel - hand wheel - heart wheel - hind wheel - idle wheel - jenny wheel - leaning wheel - loaded grinding wheel - loaded wheel - offset grinding wheel - pin wheel - pitch wheel - planet wheel - pump wheel - rack wheel - ratchet wheel - road wheel - rolled wheel - rotor wheel - rubber wheel - rudder wheel - scoop wheel - spare wheel - spring wheel - sprocket wheel - spur spiral gear wheel - spur wheel - stamped wheel - star wheel - tightening wheel - toothed wheel - trolley wheel - turbine wheel - tyred wheel - vitrified wheel - winch wheel - wire wheel - worm wheel - worm-and-worm wheel
Англо-русский перевод WHEEL
Быков В.В., Поздняков А.А.. English-Russian dictionary of construction and new building technologies. Англо-Русский словарь по строительству и новым строительным технологиям. 2003