Англо-русский перевод INCOME

доход (ы) ; приход; прибыль; поступления; бухг. валовая выручка (за отчётный период) [c crimson]|| приобретаемый ради дохода, приносящий доход (об облигациях, фондах)

- income before securities gains or losses

- income for life

- income from business

- income from revenue-producing activities

- income from selfemployment

- income from work

- income in kind

- income liable to tax

- income on investments abroad

- income per head

- income produced

- convert ordinary income into capital gains

- draw income

- ensure income

- redistribute income

- accrued income

- accumulated income

- adjusted gross income

- after-tax income

- aggregate national income

- assessable income

- before-tax income

- capital income

- capital gain income

- cash income

- casual income

- defense income

- deferred income

- derivative income

- discretionary income

- disposable income

- earned income

- familial income

- family income

- farm income

- farm income from contract work

- foregone income

- gross income

- guaranteed retirement income

- household income

- household property income

- imputed income

- interest income

- invisible income

- irregular income

- joint-facilities income

- labor income

- labor income per unit of input of labor

- life-cycle income

- manufacturing income

- marginal income

- material national income

- mean income

- mixed income

- money income

- national income

- national income at factor cost

- national income at market prices

- national income consumed

- national income paid-out

- net income

- net income after special items

- not invisible income

- nonoperating income

- nontrading income

- operating income

- ordinary income

- ownership income

- parity income

- per capita income

- permanent income

- post-transfer income

- premium income

- primary income

- professional income

- property income

- proprietors' income

- psychic income

- real income

- relative income

- rental income

- rentier income

- retained income

- service income

- sheltered income

- social income

- substandard income

- taxable income

- trading income

- ultimate income

- unearned income

- unexpected income

- user income

- usurious income

- wage income

English-Russian dictionary of economics and finance.      Англо-Русский словарь по экономике и финансам.