Англо-русский перевод WORKER

сущ. 1) рабочий, работник 2) сотрудник • - active worker - aggregate worker - agricultural worker - assembly workers - auto worker - blue collar worker - brain worker - casual worker - clerical worker - coal-face worker - collective farm worker - commercial wage worker - defense workers - disabled worker - discouraged worker - distributive worker - electrical worker - employed workers - engineering worker - experienced worker - fabricating workers - factory and office workers - family worker - farm family workers - farm worker - fast worker - field worker - full-time worker - gainful worker - general worker - handicraft worker - high speed worker - highly skilled worker - hired farm worker - indentured workers - independent worker - industrial worker - inexperienced worker - inside worker - key worker - laid-off worker - land workers - livestock worker - lower-paid salaried workers - low-paid worker - lump worker - maintenance worker - manual worker - maritime worker - municipal workers - new worker - nonmanual workers - nonproduction workers - nonwage-earning rural workers - odd-job worker - office worker - own account worker - packinghouse worker - partly skilled worker - part-time worker - piece worker - plantation workers - print worker - process workers - production worker - productive worker - professional worker - public worker - radio worker - rate worker - redundant workers - regular workers - related workers - relief worker - routine clerical worker - rural workers - salary worker - sales worker - seasonal worker - self-employed worker - semiskilled worker - short-time worker - skilled worker - steel worker - take on workers - time worker - unpaid family worker - unskilled worker - wage and salaried workers - wage worker - white-collar worker - worker on own account - workers on payroll - workers on strike Syn: man, workman, employee

English-Russian dictionary of economics.      Англо-Русский словарь по экономике.