1) судебный приказ; королевский приказ 2) шотл. письменный документ • writ de procedendo — см. procedendo; writ to apprehend the body — судебный приказ об аресте; to bring a writ — вручить судебный приказ; to serve a writ — вручить судебный приказ writ of execution against property — исполнительный судебный приказ об обращении взыскания на имущество writ of habere facias possessionem — судебный приказ о вводе во владение - alias writ - alternative writ - concurrent writs - Crown writ - execution writ - extraordinary writ - interlocutory writ - judicial writ - optional writ - original writ - peremptory writ - personal writ - pointing-out writ - prerogative writ - real writ - remedial writ - testatum writ - writ of error coram nobis - writ of coram nobis - writ of admeasurement - writ of assistance - writ of association - writ of attachment - writ of attendance - writ of audita querela - writ of capias ad respondendum - writ of capias ad satisfaciendum - writ of capias - writ of certiorari - writ of covenant - writ of debt - writ of delivery - writ of distringas - writ of ejectment - writ of election - writ of elegit - writ of entry - writ of error - writ of execution - writ of false judgement - writ of fieri facias - writ of habeas corpus - writ of injunction - writ of inquiry - writ of levari facias - writ of mainprize - writ of mandamus - writ of mandate - writ of mesne process - writ of ne exeat regno - writ of perambulation - writ of possession - writ of prevention - writ of privilege - writ of probable cause - writ of process - writ of prohibition - writ of prorogation - writ of protection - writ of replevin - writ of restitution - writ of review - writ of right - writ of scire facias - writ of subpoena - writ of summons - writ of supersedeas - writ of tresspass on the case - writ of trial - writ of venire facias - writ of withernam
Англо-русский перевод WRIT
Андрианов С.Н., Берсон А.С.. English-Russian law dictionary . Англо-Русский юридический словарь. 2003