сокр. от numerical control 1) числовое программное управление, ЧПУ 2) устройство ЧПУ, УЧПУ 3) станок с ЧПУ • - absolute NC - adaptively controlled NC - closed loop NC - continuous path NC - direct NC - full-blown NC - full-scale NC - generative NC - graphic NC - graphical NC - hard-wired NC - incremental NC - memory NC - metalcutting NC - microprocessor NC - multiaxis NC - multiprocessor NC - non NC - on-line NC - open loop NC - plain NC - point-to-point NC - position/contouring NC - programmable NC - tapeless NC - tip-in NC - wired NC - wired-type NC
Англо-русский перевод NC
Воскобойников Б.С., Митрович В.Л.. English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation. Англо-Русский словарь по машиностроению и автоматизации производства. 2003