Англо-русский перевод PROVIDE

_v. 1> снабжать; обеспечивать; He provided a car with a radio. A public health centre in every city is provided under the health laws. 2> обеспечивать средствами к существованию; Has every member of the family been equally provided for? These people have saved during their whole lives to provide for their old age. 3> предоставлять, давать; his father provided him with a good education - отец дал ему хорошее образование; There is no way that we can provide another teacher for that class. 4> принимать меры, готовиться; Steps can be taken to provide against a severe winter. 5> предусматривать; to provide an excuse - (заранее) приготовить извинение; Expenses provided for in the budget. How can anyone provide for unexpected events? 6> _юр. предусматривать, обуславливать; The new law provides for equality of human rights.

English-Russian Muller's dictionary 24 edition.      Англо-Русский словарь Мюллера 24 редакция.