1. n. 1. полоскание; to give a rinse - прополоскать 2. краска для волос 2. v. 1. полоскать; to rinse out one's mouth - выполоскать рот; After you've washed your hair, rinse it twice with clean warm water. 2. смывать, промывать; Make sure that the bottle is completely rinsed out before you refill it. If the poisonous chemical gets into your eyes, rinse it out well. 3. запивать (еду и т. п.); What shall I drink to rinse the medicine down?
Англо-русский перевод RINSE
Мюллер. English-Russian Muller's dictionary bed edition. Англо-Русский словарь Мюллера редакция bed. 2012