1) граница; предел; порог; рубеж; край; контур 2) граница раздела 3) с.-х. межа 4) граничный; краевой; пограничный; предельный; разграничивающий • compact set with boundary — компакт с краем imposition of boundary conditions — наложение граничных условий in tracing the boundary — при обходе контура space with boundary — пространство с краем to establish boundary conditions — установить граничные условия - absolute boundary - absorbing boundary - acceptance boundary - accessible boundary - adjoint boundary - area boundary - beam boundary - boundary of body - boundary of simplex - cell boundary - circular boundary - class boundary - confidence boundary - conjugate boundary - connected boundary - distinguished boundary - domain boundary - exterior boundary - extrapolated boundary - framed boundary - free boundary - geometrical boundary - grain boundary - homotopy boundary - ideal boundary - inaccessible boundary - inner boundary - large-angle boundary - minimal boundary - natural boundary - n-dimensional boundary - outer boundary - phase boundary - piecewise-smooth boundary - p-n boundary - pseudoconcave boundary - rectifiable boundary - reduced boundary - reflecting boundary - regular boundary - rejection boundary - relative boundary - sharp boundary - side boundary - simplicial boundary - singular boundary - slip boundary - small-angle boundary - stably framed boundary - stratum boundary - surface boundary - tilt boundary - topological boundary - twin boundary - twist boundary - wake boundary
Англо-русский перевод BOUNDARY
English-Russian scientific and technological dictionary . Англо-Русский научно-технический словарь. 2005