1) перекрещивание 2) перекрытие 3) пересечение 4) прямая засечка 5) распутье 6) трансгрессия • finite intersection axiom — аксиома конечного пересечения finite intersection criterion — критерий центрированности (топологического пространства) finite intersection property — свойство конечных пересечений intersection preserving mapping — сохраняющее пересечения отображение symbol of virtual intersection — символ виртуального пересечения three-point intersection in space — засечка пространственная обратная - algebraic intersection - angle of intersection - bounded intersection - chain intersection - class intersection - combinatorial intersection - complete intersection - countable intersection - double intersection - effective intersection - empty intersection - finite intersection - free intersection - fundamental intersection - geometrical intersection - graphical intersection - imaginary intersection - index of intersection - induced intersection - infinite intersection - intersection angle - intersection array - intersection class - intersection coefficient - intersection cover - intersection cut - intersection cycle - intersection form - intersection functor - intersection graph - intersection line - intersection matrix - intersection multiplicity - intersection number - intersection of curves - intersection of events - intersection of sets - intersection operation - intersection operator - intersection point - intersection property - intersection radius - intersection ring - intersection sign - intersection structure - intersection submodule - intersection theory - irredundant intersection - irregular intersection - line of intersection - nonempty intersection - nonvacuous intersection - nonvoid intersection - point of intersection - random intersection - reduced intersection - relational intersection - set intersection - set-theoretic intersection - simple intersection - strict intersection - transverse intersection - uncontractible intersection - virtual intersection
Англо-русский перевод INTERSECTION
English-Russian scientific and technological dictionary . Англо-Русский научно-технический словарь. 2005