статистика, статистическая характеристика, статистический показатель (см. тж statistics 2) || статистический - almost invariant statistic - analytical statistic - asymptotically efficient statistic - asymptotically sufficient statistic - asymptotically unbiased statistic - auxiliary statistic - average statistic - best statistic - bilateral statistic - binary statistic - classification statistic - completely bounded statistic - conditional statistic - consistent statistic - derived statistic - descriptive statistic - distance statistic - distribution-free statistic - dominated statistic - exhaustive statistic - extremal statistic - family statistic - generalized statistic - homogeneous statistic - inconsistent statistic - inefficient statistic - information statistic - invariant statistic - invariantly sufficient statistic - kappa statistic - limited statistic - linear statistic - linearly sufficient statistic - local statistic - low statistic - maximal invariant statistic - maximum likelihood statistic - minimal sufficient statistic - multiple statistic - multivariate statistic - n-dimensional statistic - necessary statistic - noncentral statistic - noncircular statistic - nonequilibrium statistic - nonparametric statistic - normalized statistic - one-sample statistic - one-sided statistic - optimum statistic - order statistic - orthogonal statistic - polynomial statistic - poor statistic - power of statistic - prior statistic - quadratic statistic - quasisufficient statistic - rank of statistic - rank statistic - rank-order statistic - robustness of statistic - score statistic - similar statistic - simple statistic - smallest order statistic - smoothed statistic - standardized statistic - strongly complete statistic - strongly distribution-free statistic - studentized statistic - symmetric statistic - test statistic - trimmed statistic - tubular statistic - two-sided statistic - unbiased statistic - unilateral statistic - weighted statistic - zonal statistic
Англо-русский перевод STATISTIC
English-Russian scientific and technological dictionary . Англо-Русский научно-технический словарь. 2005