1) передний
2) нос корабля
- fore and aft
- fore and aft length
- fore and aft rig
- fore and after
- fore beam
- fore body
- fore bowline
- fore brace
- fore chain
- fore chamber
- fore foot
- fore gaff
- fore gear
- fore hatchway
- fore land
- fore leach
- fore lift
- fore mast
- fore mastman
- fore part
- fore royal
- fore royal mast
- fore royal stay
- fore royal yard
- fore sail
- fore sail sheet
- fore shroud
- fore sight
- fore stay
- fore stay sail
- fore stopping
- fore tack
- fore top
- fore top brace
- fore top cap
- fore top mast
- fore top stay sail
- fore top yard
- fore top-gallant mast
- fore top-gallant sail
- fore topsail lift
- fore trysail
- fore yard
- fore yard horses