Meaning of SVE in English

SAP Vector Element: The SAP address may be expressed as a vector, (ATM_addr, ATM_selector, BLLI_id2, BLLI_id3, BHLI_id), where: ATM_addr corresponds to the 19 most significant octets of a device's 20-octet ATM address (private ATM address structure) or the entire E.164 address (E.164 address structure) ATM_selector corresponds to the least significant octet of a device's 20-octet ATM address (private ATM address structure only) BLLI_id2 corresponds to an octet in the Q.2931 BLLI information element that identifies a layer 2 protocol BLLI_id3 corresponds to a set of octets in the Q.2931 BLLI information element that identify a layer 3 protocol BHLI_id corresponds to a set of octets in the Q.2931 BHLI information element that identify an application (or session layer protocol of an application) Each element of the SAP vector is called a SAP Vector Element, or SVE. Each SVE consists of a tag, length, and value field.

ATM Forum English vocabulary.      Английский словарь организации Форум ATM.