Abbreviation for "miles per hour." The metric equivalent is Kilometers per hour (kph). To convert Miles to Kilometers, multiply by 1.609344. It may be easier to divide the miles by 10 (i.e., knock off a zero) and then double it four times. Thus 60 mph divided by 10 is 6. Doubled is 12, doubled is 24, doubled is 48, doubled is 96. The accurate figure is 96.56, but 96 is probably close enough. To convert from Kilometers to Miles, divide by 1.609344. It may be easier to multiply is by 10, then chop it in half four times. Thus 70 kilometers becomes 700. Chopped in half it is 350, chopped again is 175, again is 87, and one more time is 43.5. Accurately it is 43.49.
Meaning of MPH in English
English dictionary of automotive terms. Английский словарь автомобильных терминов. 2012