Chinese Xianggang or Hsiang-kang
Special administrative region of China (pop., 2002 est.: 6,785,000).
Located off China's southern coast in the South China Sea , it comprises the island of Hong Kong and adjacent islets, ceded by China to the British in 1842, and the Kowloon Peninsula and the New Territories, both of which were leased by the British from China for 99 years (18981997). The entire territory was returned to China in 1997. It covers 422 sq mi (1,092 sq km); the New Territories, lying north of the Kowloon Peninsula and constituting an enclave in China's Guangdong province, are more than nine-tenths of the total area. The administrative centre of Victoria on Hong Kong island's northwestern coast is also the centre of economic activities. Hong Kong has an excellent natural harbour and is one of the world's major trade and financial centres. It has many educational institutions, including the University of Hong Kong (1911).