Any omnivorous aquatic turtle of the family Emydidae, especially the diamondback terrapin ( Malaclemys terrapin ).
The diamondback inhabits salt marshes and coasts from New England to the Gulf of Mexico. It has raised diamond-shaped patterns on its brownish or black upper shell. The female attains a shell length of about 9 in. (23 cm); the male grows to about 6 in. (14 cm). The eight species of the turtle genus Pseudemys (or Chrysemys ) are sometimes referred to as terrapins. They inhabit freshwaters from the northeastern U.S. to Argentina. The female's shell is 616 in. (1540 cm) long. Infant red-eared turtles ( P. scripta elegans ) are sold in pet shops.
(Top) Diamondback terrapin ( Malaclemys terrapin ); (bottom) red-eared turtle ( Pseudemys ...
(Top) Leonard Lee Rue III from The National Audubon Society Collection/Photo Researchers
EB Inc.; (bottom) Leonard Lee Rue III