Any of about 45 species (family Batrachoididae) of heavy-bodied, carnivorous, bottom-living fishes, found chiefly in the New World and mostly in warm seas.
Toadfishes, up to 16 in. (40 cm) long, have a broad, flattened head, a large mouth, strong teeth, and small scales (if any). Most produce grunting or croaking sounds. The oyster toadfish ( Opsanus tau ) is common in shallow eastern North American coastal waters. Venomous toadfishes (genera Thalassophryne and Daector ), of Central and South America, have venom-injecting spines on their dorsal fins and gill covers. Midshipmen (genus Porichthys ), shallow-water American fishes, have rows of 600840 buttonlike light organs along the body.
Oyster toadfish ( Opsanus tau ).
Roman Vishniac