or Barmecide
Any member of the priestly family of Persian origin that achieved prominence in the 8th century as scribes and viziers to the caliphs of the Abbāsid dynasty .
They supported the arts and sciences, tolerated explorations of religion and philosophy, and promoted public works. The first notable Barmakid, Khālid ibn Barmak (d. 781/782), helped establish the ʽAbbāsid caliphate; he became governor of Ṭabaristān and later Fars. His son Yaḥyā (d. 805) and grandsons al-Faḍl (d. 808) and Jaʽfar (d. 803) held power as viziers but died in prison or were executed in a reversal of fortune, largely because their excessive power, wealth, and liberalism led the caliphs to see them as threats.