Meaning of BROMELIAD in English

Any of the flowering plants of the order Bromeliales, containing a single family, Bromeliaceae, with almost 2,600 species.

All but 1 species are native to the tropical New World and the West Indies. Bromeliad flowers have three parts, like lilies, but with contrasting sepals and petals. Many bromeliads are short-stemmed epiphyte s. Many species bear flowers in a long spike, with coloured bract s below or along the spike. Most have fleshy fruit, but some produce dry pods. Spanish moss and the edible fruit of the pineapple are the major economic products of the family. The leaves of some species contain fibres that are made into rope, fabric, and netting. The largest known bromeliad is the giant Puya raimondii of Peru and Bolivia, which may grow to more than 30 ft (9 m). Some species are cultivated indoors as ornamentals for their colourful flowers and foliage.

Britannica English dictionary.      Английский словарь Британика.