formerly Tonghak (Korean: "Eastern Learning")
(Korean; " Religion of the Heavenly Way ")
Korean religion combining elements of Confucianism, Buddhism, Daoism, shamanism, and Roman Catholicism.
Its basic principle that "man and God are one" is realized through faith in the unity of one's body and spirit and in the universality of God. Converts are instructed to meditate on God, pray upon leaving and entering home, dispel harmful thoughts, and worship God in church on Sundays. Ch'oe Che-u (1824–64) established the religion in 1860 after receiving inspiration from the Heavenly Emperor (Ch'ǒngju). His efforts at social change led to his execution. His successor, Ch'oe Si-hyŏng , was executed following the Tonghak Uprising . Today Ch'ǒndogyo has about three million adherents.