born с 1430, Vrana, Dalmatia, republic of Venice
died before March 12, 1502, Avignon, Fr.
Italian sculptor and medalist.
His early life is obscure. In 1453 he was commissioned to work on the Castel Nuovo in Naples. From 1461 to 1466 he was in Provence at the court of the duke of Anjou, for whom he executed a series of medals. His other documented works include Madonnas and bas-reliefs in Italy (chiefly Sicily and Naples) and France, as well as tombs and architectural sculptures in France. He is best known for his portrait busts of women, characterized by serene, detached dignity and aristocratic elegance.
"Eleonora of Aragon," portrait bust by Francesco Laurana; in the National ...
Alinari/Art Resource, New York