Meaning of LOTUS in English

Any of several different plants whose flowers have been given symbolic meaning by many cultures.

The lotus of the Greeks is Ziziphus lotus (family Rhamnaceae), a shrub native to southern Europe; wine made from its fruit was thought to produce contentment and forgetfulness. The Egyptian lotus is a white water lily ( Nymphaea lotus ). The sacred lotus of the Hindus is an aquatic plant ( Nelumbo nucifera ) with white or delicate pink flowers; the lotus of eastern North America is Nelumbo pentapetala , a similar plant with yellow blossoms. Lotus is also a genus of the pea family (see legume ), containing about 100 species found in temperate regions of Europe, Asia, Africa, and North America; the 20 or more species in North America are grazed by animals. The lotus is a common ornament in architecture, and since ancient times it has symbolized fertility, purity, sexuality, birth, and rebirth of the dead.

Britannica English dictionary.      Английский словарь Британика.