officially Republic of Malawi formerly Nyasaland
Country, South Africa.
Area: 45,747 sq mi (118,484 sq km). Population (2002 est.): 10,520,000. Capitals: Lilongwe and Blantyre (judicial). Almost the entire population consists of Great Rift Valley runs north-south and contains Lake Malawi . Agriculture employs four-fifths of the workforce; staple crops include corn, peanuts, beans, and peas, and cash crops include tobacco, tea, sugarcane, and cotton. Coal mining and the quarrying of limestone also contribute to the economy. Major industrial products are sugar, beer, cigarettes, soap, chemicals, and textiles. Malawi is a republic with one legislative house; its head of state and government is the president. Inhabited since 8000 BC, the region was settled by Bantu-speaking peoples between the 1st and 4th centuries AD. They established separate states, and с 1480 they founded the Maravi Confederacy, which encompassed most of central and southern Malawi. In northern Malawi the Ngonde people established a kingdom с 1600, and in the 18th century the Chikulamayembe state was founded. The slave trade flourished during the 18th–19th centuries, the same era in which Islam and Christianity arrived in the region. Britain established colonial authority in 1891, creating the Nyasaland Districts Protectorate. It became the British Central Africa Protectorate in 1893 and Nyasaland in 1907. The colonies of Northern and Southern Rhodesia and Nyasaland formed a federation (1951–53), which was dissolved in 1963. The next year Malawi achieved independence as a member of the British Commonwealth . In 1966 it became a republic, with {{link=Banda, Hastings Kamuzu">Hastings Banda as president. In 1971 he was designated president for life, and he ruled for three decades before being defeated in multiparty presidential elections in 1994. A new constitution was adopted in 1995.