In botany, any of various plants of the genus Vinca of the dogbane family .
The lesser periwinkle ( V. minor ), which has small lilac-blue flowers, is a dependable, trailing, evergreen perennial that is native to Europe and has become widespread over much of eastern North America. The greater periwinkle ( V. major ), with larger leaves and larger purplish-blue flowers, is native to continental Europe and has become naturalized in England. Alkaloids derived from the periwinkle plant have had some success in inhibiting cancer growth.
In zoology, any of some 80 species (family Littorinidae) of widely distributed, chiefly herbivorous shore snails .
Periwinkles are usually found on rocks, stones, or pilings between high-and low-tide marks. The common periwinkle ( Littorina littorea ), the largest northern species, may grow to 1.5 in. (4 cm) long. It is usually dark gray and has a solid spiral shell. Introduced into North America с 1857, it is now common on Atlantic coasts. All periwinkle species are a favourite food of many shorebirds.
Periwinkles ( Littorina )
Jane Burton
Bruce Coleman Ltd.