Scientific discipline that studies mental processes and behaviour in humans and other animals.
Literally meaning "the study of the mind," psychology focuses on both individual and group behaviour. mental disorder s. Other specialized fields of psychology include child psychology , educational psychology , sports psychology, social psychology , and comparative psychology . The issues studied by psychologists cover a wide spectrum, including learning , cognition , intelligence , motivation, emotion , perception , personality , and the extent to which individual differences are shaped by genetics or environment. The methods used in psychological research include observation, interviews, psychological testing , laboratory experimentation, and statistical analysis.
[c mediumvioletred] (as used in expressions)
abnormal psychology
analytic psychology
applied psychology
child psychology
clinical psychology
cognitive psychology
comparative psychology
consumer psychology
developmental psychology
educational psychology
experimental psychology
folk psychology
forensic psychology
Gestalt psychology
humanistic psychology
industrial organizational psychology
I O psychology
{{link=moral psychology">moral psychology
physiological psychology
rational psychology
school psychology
social psychology