Meaning of SAMUEL in English


(с 11th century BC) Old Testament prophet, the first after Moses and the last of the judges of ancient Israel.

His story is told in two biblical books (1 and 2 Samuel) that relate the history of Israel in the 11th–10th century BC. During this period, the first monarchy of Israel was established and the tribes of Israel united under a single kingdom with its capital at Jerusalem. Samuel received a revelation that led to the installation of Saul as king, but later announced an oracle rejecting Saul and secretly anointed David as king. Scholars dispute whether the historical Samuel was the author of the two books that bear his name.


died Oct. 6, 1014

Tsar of Western Bulgaria (980–1014).

Ruling originally in Macedonia, he conquered Serbia, northern Bulgaria, Albania, and northern Greece. He revived the Bulgarian patriarchate and in the 980s defeated Basil II . However, his struggle with the Byzantines continued until 1014, when Basil defeated Samuel's army at the Battle of Belasitsa. At Basil's order, the 15,000 Bulgarian prisoners were blinded and then returned to Samuel, who is said to have died of shock.


[c mediumvioletred] (as used in expressions)

Addams Charles Samuel

Barber Samuel

Samuel Adrian Baugh

Beckett Samuel Barclay

Behrman Samuel Nathaniel

Bentham Sir Samuel

Blumberg Baruch Samuel

Butler Samuel

Samuel Cohen

Champlain Samuel de

Chase Samuel

Coleridge Samuel Taylor

Colt Samuel

Cooke Samuel

Crompton Samuel

Cunard Sir Samuel 1st Baronet

Delany Samuel Ray

Doe Samuel Kanyon

Firestone Harvey Samuel

Gardiner Samuel Rawson

Goldwyn Samuel

Samuel Goldfish

Gompers Samuel

Andrew Samuel Griffith

Gross Samuel David

Hahnemann Christian Friedrich Samuel

Hammett Samuel Dashiell

Hoffman Samuel Kurtz

Houston Samuel

Hughes Sir Samuel

Huntington Samuel Phillips

Insull Samuel

Johnson Samuel

Judah ben Samuel

{{link=Kirkland Samuel">Kirkland Samuel

Kuhn Thomas Samuel

Langley Samuel Pierpont

Lister Samuel Cunliffe Baron Masham of Swinton

Morison Samuel Eliot

Morse Samuel Finley Breese

Samuel Joel Mostel

Nujoma Samuel Shafiihuma

Paley William Samuel

Palmer Samuel

Peckinpah David Samuel

Pepys Samuel

Plimsoll Samuel

Pufendorf Samuel baron von

Rayburn Samuel Taliaferro

Richardson Samuel

Scheidt Samuel

Sewall Samuel

Samuel Shepard Rogers

Slater Samuel

Smith Samuel

Snead Samuel Jackson

Samuel Sosa Peralta

Tilden Samuel Jones

Samuel Langhorne Clemens

Walton Samuel Moore

Samuel Wilder

Theodore Samuel Williams

Wise Stephen Samuel

Hoare Sir Samuel John Gurney 2nd Baronet

Samuel of Mount Carmel and of Toxeth Herbert Louis Samuel 1st Viscount

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