Meaning of SUHRAWARDĪ, AL- in English

in full Shihāb al-Dīn Yaḥyā ibn Ḥabash ibn Amīrak al-Suhrawardī or al-Maqtūl

born с 1155, Suhraward, Iran

died 1191, Aleppo, Syria

Muslim theologian and philosopher.

He studied in Eṣfahān, a leading centre of Islamic scholarship. His works fell into two categories: doctrinal and philosophical tracts, many of which took account of the ancient Greek philosophers, and shorter treatises intended to guide the mystic toward esoteric knowledge. His best-known work, The Wisdom of Illumination , held that existence is a single continuum that culminates in pure light, representing God. Charged with heresy by rivals in the Muslim clergy, he was executed by the Ayyūbid prince Malik al-Ẓāhir

thus earning himself the appellation al-Maqtūl ("the Killed").

Britannica English dictionary.      Английский словарь Британика.