Meaning of TREATY in English


Contract or other written instrument binding two or more states under international law .

The term is generally reserved for the more important international agreements, usually requiring, in addition to the signatures of authorized persons, ratification by the governments involved. A treaty may be bilateral or multilateral; it usually contains a preamble, an enumeration of the issues agreed on, and clauses that discuss its ratification procedures, lifespan, and terms for termination. Treaties may be political, commercial, constitutional, or administrative, or they may relate to criminal and civil justice or codify international law.


[c mediumvioletred] (as used in expressions)

Aix la Chapelle Treaty of

Amiens Treaty of

Pacific Security Treaty

Brest Litovsk Treaty of

Brétigny Treaty of

Brussels Treaty

Bucharest Treaty of

Cambrai Treaty of

Campo Formio Treaty of

Carlowitz Treaty of

Cateau Cambrésis Treaty of

Chaumont Treaty of

Clayton Bulwer Treaty

Dover Treaty of

Edirne Treaty of

Treaty of Adrianople

Guadalupe Hidalgo Treaty of

Hünkâr Iskelesi Treaty of

Jassy Treaty of

Küçük Kaynarca Treaty of

Lateran Treaty

Lausanne Treaty of

London Treaty of

Maastricht Treaty

Nanjing Treaty of

Nerchinsk Treaty of

Neuilly Treaty of

Paris Treaty of

Portsmouth Treaty of

Pressburg Treaty of

Pyrenees Treaty of the

Rapallo Treaty of

Reinsurance Treaty

Riga Treaty of

Rio Treaty

{{link=Saint Germain Treaty of">Saint Germain Treaty of

San Stefano Treaty of

Sèvres Treaty of

Southeast Asia Treaty Organization

Tordesillas Treaty of

Trianon Treaty of

Venice Treaty of

Verdun Treaty of

Versailles Treaty of

Warsaw Treaty Organization

Webster Ashburton Treaty

Central Treaty Organization

Middle East Treaty Organization

Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty

Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons

Nuclear Test Ban Treaty

Fort Stanwix Treaties of

Nijmegen Treaties of

Rastatt and Baden treaties of

Rome Treaties of

Tilsit Treaties of

Britannica English dictionary.      Английский словарь Британика.