or Vergil orig. Publius Vergilius Maro
born Oct. 15, 70, Andes, near Mantua
died Sept. 21, 19 BC, Brundisium
Greatest of Roman poets.
The well-educated son of a prosperous provincial farmer, Virgil led a quiet life, though he eventually became a member of the circle around Octavian (later Caesar Augustus ) and was patronized by Eclogues (42–37), may be read as a prophecy of tranquility, and one has even been read as a prophecy of Christianity. The Georgics (37–30) point toward a Golden Age in the form of practical goals: the repopulation of rural lands and the rehabilitation of agriculture. His great epic, the Aeneid (begun с 29, but unfinished at his death), is one of the masterpieces of world literature. A celebration of the founding of Rome by the legendary {{link=Aeneas">Aeneas at the request of Augustus, whose consolidation of power in 31–30 unified the Roman world, it also explores the themes of war and the pathos of unrequited love. In later centuries his works were regarded in the Roman Empire as virtually sacred. He was taken up reverently by Christians as well, including Dante , who, in his poem The Divine Comedy , made Virgil his guide through hell and purgatory.