Meaning of WALLABY in English

Any of about 25 species of medium-sized kangaroos , found chiefly in Australia.

Brush wallabies (11 species) are built like the big kangaroos but differ in dentition. Rock wallabies live among rocks, usually near water. Nail-tailed wallabies, named for a horny growth on the tail tip, rotate their forelimbs while hopping. The small hare wallabies resemble hares in movement and some habits. The small, stocky scrub wallabies, hunted for meat and fur, have short hind limbs and pointy noses. The similar short-tailed scrub wallaby occurs only on two offshore islands of western Australia. Several wallaby species have been exterminated, and several others are endangered.

Bridled nail-tailed wallaby ( Onychogalea fraenata ).

s Mitch Reardon

National Audubon Society Collection/Photo Researchers

Britannica English dictionary.      Английский словарь Британика.