Meaning of APAPOCUVA in English

also called Nandeva, a Guarani-speaking South American Indian people living in small, scattered villages throughout the Mato Grosso, Paran, and So Paulo states of southeastern Brazil. In the second half of the 20th century, the Apapocuva probably numbered fewer than 500 individuals. Traditionally, the Apapocuva were swidden agriculturalists who supplemented their crops of corn (maize), bitter and sweet cassava, beans, tubers, and other vegetables with gathered fruits and other forest products. The nominal leader of each village was usually a successful shaman who advised his group according to the revelations of his dreams. In 1879, an entire village followed its shaman in an eastward trek, in search of the Land-Without-Evil, which was believed to be somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean. In 1910, another Apapocuva group attempted to reach the Land-Without-Evil by dancing feverishly for days, in the hope of becoming light enough to fly over the Atlantic Ocean. The present wide dispersal of Apapocuva over southeastern Brazil reflects their many and far-flung religious migrations of the past 100 years.

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