Meaning of ARION in English

semilegendary Greek poet and musician of Methymna in Lesbos. He is said to have invented the dithyramb (choral poem or chant performed at the festival of Dionysus); that is, he gave it literary form. His father's name, Cycleus, indicates the connection of the son with the cyclic or circular chorus of the dithyramb. None of his works survives, and only one story about his life is known. After a successful performing tour of Sicily and Magna Graecia, Arion sailed for home. The sight of the treasure he carried roused the cupidity of the sailors, who resolved to kill him and seize his wealth. Arion, as a last favour, begged permission to sing a song. The sailors consented, and the poet, standing on the deck of the ship, sang a dirge accompanied by his lyre. He then threw himself overboard; but he was miraculously borne up in safety by a dolphin, which had been charmed by the music. Thus he proceeded to Corinth, arriving before the ship. There Arion's friend Periander, tyrant of Corinth, eventually learned the truth by a stratagem. Summoning the sailors, he demanded what had become of the poet. Upon affirming that he had remained behind, they were suddenly confronted by Arion himself. The sailors confessed and were punished, and Arion's lyre and the dolphin became the constellations Lyra and Delphinus.

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