Meaning of AVEMPACE in English

born c. 1095, , Zaragoza, Spain died 1138/39, Fs, Mor. also called Ibn Bajjah, in full Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Yahya ibn as-Sayigh at-Tujibi al-Andalusi as-Saraqusti earliest known representative in Spain of the Arabic AristotelianNeoplatonic philosophical tradition and forerunner of the polymath scholar Ibn Tufayl and of the philosopher Averros. Avempace's chief philosophical tenets seem to have included belief in the possibility that the human soul could become united with the Divine. This union was conceived as the final stage in an intellectual ascent beginning with the impressions of sense objects that consist of form and matter and rising through a hierarchy of spiritual forms (i.e., forms containing less and less matter) to the Active Intellect, which is an emanation of the deity. Many Muslim biographers consider Avempace to have been an atheist. Avempace's most important philosophical work is Tadbir al-mutawahhid (The Regime of the Solitary), which he was unable to complete before his death. He also wrote a number of songs and poems and a treatise on botany; he is known to have studied astronomy, medicine, and mathematics.

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