Meaning of BULGARUS in English

born before 1100 died , on or before Jan. 1, 1167, Bologna, Italy jurist, most renowned of the famous four doctors of the law school at the University of Bologna, where the medieval study of Roman law, as codified (6th century AD) under the Byzantine emperor Justinian I, reached its peak. Although popular tradition claims that all four doctorsBulgarus, Martinus Gosia, Hugo da Porta Ravennate, and Jacobus de Voraginewere pupils of Irnerius, the first of the great Bolognese legal glossators, this is probably true only of Bulgarus. Bulgarus and Martinus headed opposing factions at Bologna; Martinus adapted the law to what his adversaries called the equity of the purse (aequitas bursalis), whereas Bulgarus adhered more closely to the letter of the law. Bulgarus and his successorsincluding Joannes Bassianus, Azzone, and Franciscus Accursiusultimately prevailed, and Bulgarus himself served as adviser to the Holy Roman emperor Frederick I Barbarossa. His most important book, De regulis iuris (On the Rules of Law), is the earliest extant legal gloss from the Bolognese school.

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