born Oct. 18, 1697, Venice died April 20, 1768, Venice Palazzo Ducale and the Piazza San Marco, Venice, oil on canvas by Canaletto; in the byname of Giovanni Antonio Canal Italian topographical painter whose masterful expression of atmosphere in his detailed views (vedute) of Venice (see photograph) and London and English country homes influenced succeeding generations of landscape artists. Canaletto was born into a noble family whose coat of arms he occasionally used as a signature. How he came to be known as Canaletto is uncertain, however; perhaps the name was first used to distinguish him from his father, Bernardo Canal, a theatrical scene painter in whose studio Canaletto assisted. Canaletto is recorded as working with his father and brother in Venice from 1716 to 1719 and in Rome in 171920, painting scenes for Alessandro Scarlatti operas. It was in Rome that Canaletto left theatrical painting for the topographical career that was to bring him international fame so quickly, although a close connection to his theatrical work remained in his choice of subject matter, his use of line and wash drawings, and his theatrical perspective. When he returned to Venice, he began his contact with the foreign patrons who would continue as his chief support throughout his career. Four large paintings were completed for the Prince of Liechtenstein, in or before 1723, and in 172526 he finished a series of pictures for Stefano Conti, a merchant from Lucca. Dated memorandums accompanying the Conti pictures suggest how busy and yet how exacting the artist was at this time. Canaletto indicates that delays in the delivery of the pictures had been due to the pressure of other commissions and his own insistence on obtaining reliable pigments and on working from nature. In his pictures of the late 1720s, such as The Stonemason's Yard, he combined a freedom and subtlety of manner that he was rarely to achieve again with an unrivaled imaginative and dramatic interpretation of Venetian architecture. His understanding of sunlight and shadow, cloud effects, and the play of light on buildings support the contention in his memorandums that he was working out-of-doors, which was a most unusual procedure for painters of that time. Throughout the 1730s Canaletto was deeply absorbed in meeting foreign demands for souvenir views of Venice. Such was the pressure upon him that he ultimately was forced to work largely from drawings and even from other artists' engravings, rather than from nature. He also developed the use of the camera ottica, a device by which a lens threw onto a ground-glass screen the image of a view, which could be used as a basis for a drawing or painting. Finally, he developed a mechanical technique, in which ruler and compasses played a part, and architecture and figures were put into the picture according to a dexterous and effective formula. Such a vast number of views of Venice were produced during his lifetime that it is often thought that Canaletto was head of a large studio, but there is no evidence of this. Canaletto had no serious rivals. The painter Luca Carlevaris, who may have been his initial inspiration in choosing to produce topographical pictures for a largely foreign audience, had been driven from the field; Bernardo Bellotto, Canaletto's nephew, was not yet a mature painter; and Michele Marieschi was a follower rather than a competitor. Because of this lack of rivals, Canaletto became increasingly difficult to deal with. Owen Mac Swinney, an English operatic figure and patron of Canaletto, wrote as early as 1727, The fellow is whimsical and varys his prices, every day: and he that has a mind to have any of his work, must not seem to be too fond of it, for he'l be ye worse treated for it, both in the price and the painting too. The outbreak of the War of the Austrian Succession in 1740, which cut down sharply the number of visitors to Venice, seriously affected Canaletto's commissions. At this point, an early acquaintance, Joseph Smithpublisher, merchant, and later British consul in Venicestepped into the breach. As standardized views of Venice dropped from demand, Smith seems to have encouraged Canaletto to expand his range of subjects to include Roman monuments and the area of Padua and the Brenta River. Pictures composed of more or less recognizable elements rearranged (capriccio) and pictures composed of almost completely imaginary architectural and scenic elements (veduta ideata) now began to play an increasingly important part in Canaletto's work. In 174144 Canaletto also made a series of 30 etchings, exceptionally skillful and sensitive, showing a command of perspective and luminosity. Canaletto's international reputation served him well as the tourists became more scarce. In 1746 he went to England, where he was welcomed, and remained until 1755, despite an invitation to Dresden from the elector of Saxony. He worked mainly in London, on English views. It is notable, when considering the works executed during this period, that Canalettoan artist 50 years of age who had evolved various conventions based on Venetian experiencewas dealing with an entirely different set of atmospheric conditions and different subject matter. Occasionally, by putting English material into a Venetian framework, he achieved a masterpiece, but for the most part he fell below his own standards, and his work was lifeless and mechanical. On his return to Venice, however, his reputation had not diminished; and at last he received official recognitionelection to the Venetian Academy in 1763 and, in the same year, appointment as prior of the Collegio dei Pittori. William G. Constable Additional reading Works on Canaletto's life, art, and career include W.G. Constable, Canaletto, 2nd ed. rev. by J.G. Links, 2 vol. (1976, reprinted 1989), the most comprehensive biography, with catalogue raisonn and full bibliography; J.G. Links, Canaletto (1982), and Canaletto and His Patrons (1977); Vittorio Moschini, Drawings by Canaletto (1963), the best collection, with many plates; and Ruth Bromberg, Canaletto's Etchings (1974). The most complete collections of Canaletto's paintings and drawings are held in the Royal Collections at Windsor and Buckingham Palace; descriptions of these collections include Michael Levey, Canaletto Paintings in the Collection of Her Majesty the Queen (1964); and K.T. Parker, The Drawings of Antonio Canaletto in the Collection of His Majesty the King at Windsor Castle (1948). Two exhibition catalogs are W.G. Constable, Canaletto: Giovanni Antonio Canal, 16971768 (1964), a good introductory work for the general reader; and Katharine Baetjer and J.G. Links, Canaletto (1989).
Meaning of CANALETTO in English
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