Meaning of FIEDLER, LESLIE A. in English

born March 8, 1917, Newark, N.J., U.S. in full Leslie Aaron Fiedler American literary critic who applied psychological (chiefly Freudian) and social theories to American literature. Fiedler attended the University of Wisconsin (M.A., 1939; Ph.D., 1941), and, after service in the U.S. Naval Reserve from 1942 to 1946, he did further research at Harvard University. Thereafter he taught at many universities both in the United States and abroad, chiefly at the State University of New York at Buffalo. Over the years, Fiedler propounded many ingenious but controversial theories. He gained considerable notoriety with his essay Come Back to the Raft Ag'in, Huck Honey!, later republished in An End to Innocence (1955). His major work, Love and Death in the American Novel (1960), argues that much of American literaturethose works, for example, that discuss life on the high seas or in the wildernessembodies themes of innocent (presexual), but often homoerotic, male bonding and escape from a domestic, female-dominated society. This idea is further explored in Waiting for the End (1964) and The Return of the Vanishing American (1968). His later critical works include collections of essays, such as The Inadvertent Epic: From Uncle Tom's Cabin to Roots (1979), Fiedler on the Roof: Essays on Literature and Jewish Identity (1990), and Tyranny of the Normal (1996), as well as the books The Stranger in Shakespeare (1972) and What Was Literature?: Class, Culture, and Mass Society (1982). He also wrote novels and collections of stories.

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