Meaning of FRAGONARD, JEAN-HONORE in English

Additional reading Fragonard as a painter is discussed in Georges Wildenstein, The Paintings of Fragonard: Complete Edition (1960). It includes a concise critical bibliography of the essential manuscript and printed sources. Edmond de Goncourt and Jules de Goncourt, French Eighteenth Century Painters (1948, reprinted 1981), includes an 1865 essay on the artist. Jacques Thuillier, Fragonard; Biographical and Critical Study, rev. ed. (1987), and Dore Ashton, Fragonard in the Universe of Painting (1988), are significant works. Jean-Pierre Cuzin, Fragonard (1988), and Pierre Rosenberg, Fragonard (1988), are well-illustrated interpretative studies in English translations.

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