born c. 540, , Spain died 568, Neustria French Galswinthe daughter of Athanagild, Visigothic king of Spain; sister of Brunhild, queen of Austrasia; and wife of Chilperic I, the Merovingian king of Neustria. Galswintha and Chilperic were married at Rouen in 567, but soon afterward she was murdered at the instigation of Chilperic's mistress Fredegund, who then married him. Galswintha's death aroused the enmity of her sister Brunhild, wife of King Sigebert I of Austrasia, against Chilperic and precipitated 40 years of warfare between the Frankish kingdoms of Austrasia and Neustria.
Meaning of GALSWINTHA in English
Britannica English vocabulary. Английский словарь Британика. 2012