Meaning of GOTA CANAL in English

Swedish Gta Kanal, artificial waterway that crosses southern Sweden to connect Lake Vnern with the Baltic Sea. For most of its course it passes through lakes, providing inland navigation from Gteborg to Stockholm. The Gta River drains Vnern and, with locks to surmount the falls at Trollhttan, is part of the waterway. The first section to be canalized (Trollhtte Canal) was completed in 1800, allowing seagoing craft to pass from Gteborg to Karlstad and other ports on Vnern. The Gta Canal proper leads from Sjtorp to Viken on the other major Swedish lake, Vttern, and thence to Mem on Sltbaken, an inlet of the Baltic, using on the way the small lakes Boren and Roxen. The navigation distance from Gteborg to Stockholm is 347 miles (558 km) by the canal route and 590 miles (950 km) on the Baltic. The voyage by canal takes about 2 1/2 days. The Gta Canal has 47 miles (76 km) of artificial works and includes 58 locks.

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