born c. 1020, , near Soana, Papal States died May 25, 1085, Salerno, Principality of Salerno; canonized 1606; feast day May 25 original name Hildebrand, Italian Ildebrando one of the great reform popes of the Middle Ages (reigned 1073-85). Mainly a spiritual rather than a political leader, he attacked various abuses in the church. From 1075 onward he was engrossed in a contest with Emperor Henry IV over lay investiture (the right of lay rulers to grant church officials the symbols of their authority). Additional reading A primary source is the correspondence of Gregory. His registrum and other letters may be found in Erich Caspar, Das Register Gregors VII (1955); J.P. Migne, Patrologia Latina, vol. 148 (1888); and selections from the registrum in Ephraim Emerton, The Correspondence of Pope Gregory VII (1932). Augustin Fliche, La Rforme Grgorienne, vol. 2 (1924), is devoted entirely to Gregory and has an excellent critical study of the sources. Brian Tierney, The Crisis of Church and State, 1050-1300 (1964), is a perceptive account containing some of the key documents. See also Walter Ullman, The Growth of Papal Government in the Middle Ages (1955); and Schafer Williams, The Gregorian Epoch (1964), an interesting and provocative selection of extracts from historians who disagree on Gregory.
Meaning of GREGORY VII, SAINT in English
Britannica English vocabulary. Английский словарь Британика. 2012