Meaning of GROSBEAK in English

any of several finchlike birds belonging to the subfamilies Cardinalinae and Carduelinae of the family Fringillidae. Their most distinctive characteristic is an exceptionally large conical bill. Most grosbeaks are seedeaters. In the American subfamily Cardinalinae are the rose-breasted grosbeak (Pheucticus ludovicianus) and the black-headed grosbeak (P. melanocephalus); these are North American birds ranging east and west of the Rockies, respectively. Some authorities believe the two forms represent a single species, even though the coloration of the males' underparts differs: red and white in the rose-breasted and brownish yellow in the black-headed grosbeak. In the blue grosbeak (Guiraca caerula) of the southern United States and Mexico, the male is dark blue, like males of the tropical grosbeak genus Cyanocompsa. For cardinal grosbeak, also of this subfamily, see cardinal. In the subfamily Carduelinae are the pine grosbeak (Pinicola enucleator) of northern Eurasia and North America and the evening grosbeak (Hesperiphona vespertina) of North America. The former is pinkish red; the latter is brown, yellow, black, and white. For scarlet grosbeak, also of this subfamily, see rosefinch.

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