Meaning of HOMO TRANSVAALENSIS in English

classification of hominid fossil remains proposed (E. Mayr, 1950) to replace the designation Australopithecus and used by students of human evolution who do not believe that the morphological (structural) and cultural differences between Australopithecus and Homo sapiens are large enough to warrant taxonomic distinction at the genus level. Rather, those who support Mayr view all fossils for which strong evidence exists for direct ascendancy to modern man as Homo and preserve genus distinction for forms (such as Ramapithecus) not believed, or not clearly shown, to have evolved in the direction of modern man. Disagreement exists among users of the name as to whether it should apply only to the gracile (light-bodied) form of Australopithecus (A. africanus and its subspecies) or to both the gracile and the robust ( Paranthropus) forms.

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