Meaning of HUROK, SOL(OMON ISAIEVICH) in English

born April 9, 1888, Pogar, near Kharkov, Russia died March 5, 1974, New York City one of the world's foremost impresarios who, through his persistent efforts to bring distinguished foreign virtuosos and ensembles to American audiences, did much to inspire interest in classical music and, particularly, in ballet. Hurok came to the United States in 1906, nearly penniless. (He was naturalized in 1914.) He took a series of odd jobs and began arranging concerts for labour organizations. In 1911 he persuaded the violinist Efrem Zimbalist to play at a benefit for the Socialist Party, and by 1916 he was staging concerts at the New York Hippodrome with such virtuosos as Mischa Elman and Alma Gluck. Eventually, Hurok sponsored a vast array of artistic performers and distinguished companies, many of them from his native Russia. Through him, many Americans came to appreciate the Bolshoi Ballet, Sadler's Wells (later Royal) Ballet, the Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo, the Kirov (now Mariinsky) Ballet, the Old Vic, the Comdie Franaise, and such stars as Anna Pavlova, Feodor Chaliapin, Isadora Duncan, Arthur Rubinstein, Michel Fokine, Andrs Segovia, Isaac Stern, Gregor Piatigorsky, the Oistrakhs, Margot Fonteyn, Galina Ulanova, Maria Callas, and Van Cliburn. More than 4,000 performers are said to have appeared under his auspices. One of his greatest discoveries and future stars was the contralto Marian Anderson, whom he heard singing in Paris in 1935. He was also known for his great sense of showmanship, style, and lavish treatment of his performers. In 1969 he sold his company, S. Hurok Concerts, Inc., to the Transcontinental Investing Corp., although he remained in control and actively promoted concerts until his death. He wrote two volumes of autobiographyImpresario (1946; movie version Tonight We Sing, 1953). He was made a chevalier of the Legion of Honour (1953) for his achievements in promoting French cultural institutions.

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