born c. 560, , Cartagena or Seville, Spain died April 4, 636, Seville; canonized 1598; feast day April 4 Latin Isidorus Hispalensis theologian, last of the Western Latin Fathers, archbishop, and encyclopaedist, whose Etymologies, an encyclopaedia of human and divine subjects, was one of the chief landmarks in glossography (the compilation of glossaries) and was for many centuries one of the most important reference books. Isidore succeeded his brother St. Leander as archbishop of Seville about 600, during a time when the Spanish church witnessed numerous councils, one of the greatest being the fourth Council of Toledo (633). Isidore headed this council, which, among other politico-religious matters, decreed union between church and state, toleration of Jews, and uniformity in the Spanish Mass. He successfully continued Leander's conversion of the Visigoths from Arianism (the heretical doctrine teaching that the Son was neither equal with God the Father nor eternal) to orthodox Christianity. Outstanding among Isidore's extraordinary literary production was his Etymologiae (Etymologies), which, in 20 sections, compiled for posterity much that he had extracted from works of previous encyclopaedists, specialists, and various Latin writers; the etymological part (Book X) became a great mine for later glossographers. Almost 1,000 medieval manuscripts of the Etymologies are still in existence. Isidore's principal sources were Servius (the 5th-century Latin grammarian and teacher), the Fathers of the Church, and Aelius Donatus (the 4th-century rhetorician and commentator). The Etymologies, which became one of the most studied works during the Dark and Middle Ages, treats the seven liberal arts by applying them to general, comprehensive knowledgesuch as anthropology, cosmology, architecture, history, and agriculture. Isidore's other special treatises included linguistic studies (Differentiarum libri, or Books of Differences), works on natural science and cosmology (De natura rerum, or On the Nature of Things, and De ordine creaturarum, or On the Order of Creatures), and works on history. His theological works include De ortu et obitu patrum (On the Origin and Death of the Fathers), biographies of 86 biblical persons; Sententiarum libri tres (Three Books of Sentences), a handbook of morals and theology in the form of collected sentences; De officiis ecclesiasticis (On Church Duties), a liturgical work dealing with offices and clerical members; and Synonima (Synonyms), a spiritual meditation. It is uncertain whether Isidore produced the original edition of the Hispana collectio, the canon law of the Spanish church sometimes known as the Collectio canonum Isidoriana (The Collection of the Canons of Isidore); a mid-9th-century enlarged edition of the Hispana, falsely attributed to Isidore, is now called the Pseudo-Isidorian Decretals. He was canonized by Pope Clement VIII in 1598. Pope Innocent XIII formally declared him a doctor of the church in 1722.
Meaning of ISIDORE OF SEVILLE, SAINT, in English
Britannica English vocabulary. Английский словарь Британика. 2012