Meaning of LABE, LOUISE in English

born c. 1524, Lyon, France died 1566, Parcieux-en-Dombes original name Louise Charly, byname La Belle Cordire (French: The Beautiful Rope Maker) French poet, the daughter of a rope maker (cordier). Lab was a member of the 16th-century Lyon school of humanist poets dominated by Maurice Scve. Her wit, charm, accomplishments, and the freedom she enjoyed provoked unverifiable legends, such as those claiming she rode to war and was a cultured courtesan. In 1555 she published a book of love sonnets, which are remarkable for their emotional intensity and their stylistic simplicity and which probably relate to her passion for the poet Olivier de Magny. The same volume also contained a prose dialogue, Dbat de Folie et d'Amour (Debate of Love and Folly).

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