in biology, the series of changes that the members of a species undergo as they pass from the beginning of a given developmental stage to the inception of that same developmental stage in a subsequent generation. In many simple organisms, including bacteria and various protists, the life cycle is completed within a single generation: an organism begins with the fission of an existing individual; the new organism grows to maturity; and it then splits into two new individuals, thus completing the cycle. In higher animals, the life cycle also encompasses a single generation: the individual animal begins with the fusion of male and female sex cells (gametes); it grows to reproductive maturity; and it then produces gametes, at which point the cycle begins anew (assuming that fertilization takes place). In most plants, by contrast, the life cycle is multigenerational. An individual plant begins with the germination of a spore, which grows into a gamete-producing organism (the gametophyte). The gametophyte reaches maturity and forms gametes, which, following fertilization, grow into a spore-producing organism (the sporophyte). Upon reaching reproductive maturity, the sporophyte produces spores, and the cycle starts again. This multigenerational life cycle is called alternation of generations; it occurs in some protists and fungi as well as in plants. The life cycle characteristic of bacteria is termed haplontic. This term refers to the fact that it encompasses a single generation of organisms whose cells are haploid (i.e., contain one set of chromosomes). The one-generational life cycle of the higher animals is diplontic; it involves only organisms whose body cells are diploid (i.e., contain two sets of chromosomes). Organisms with diplontic cycles produce sex cells that are haploid, and each of these gametes must combine with another gamete in order to obtain the double set of chromosomes necessary to grow into a complete organism. The life cycle typified by plants is known as diplohaplontic, because it includes both a diploid generation (the sporophyte) and a haploid generation (the gametophyte). Extraterrestrial life It is notknown what aspects of living systems are necessary in the sense that living systems everywhere must have them; it is not known what aspects of living systems are contingent in the sense that they are the result of evolutionary accident, so that somewhere else a different sequence of events might have led to different characteristics. In this respect the possession of even a single example of extraterrestrial life, no matter how seemingly elementary in form or substance, would represent a fundamental revolution in biology. It is not known whether there is a vast array of biological themes and counterpoints in the universe, whether there are places that have fugues, compared with which our one tune is a bit thin and reedy. Or it may be that our tune is the only tune around. Accordingly the prospects for life on other planets must be considered in any general discussion of life. The chemistry of extraterrestrial life What are the methods and prospects for a search for life beyond the Earth? Each of the definitions of life described in Definitions of life (see above) implies a method of searching for life. Particular physiological functions, particular metabolic activities, such specific molecules as proteins and nucleic acids, self-replication and mutation, processes not in closed-system thermodynamic equilibriumall these might be sought. All the search methods significantly depend upon chemistry. Life on Earth is structurally based on carbon and utilizes water as an interaction medium. Hydrogen and nitrogen have significant accessory structural roles; phosphorus is important for energy storage and transport, sulfur for three-dimensional configuration of protein molecules, and so on. But must these particular atoms be the atoms of life everywhere, or might there be a wide range of atomic possibilities in extraterrestrial organisms? What are the general physical constraints on extraterrestrial life? In approaching these questions several criteria can be used. The major atoms should tend to have a high cosmic abundance. A structural molecule for making an organism at the temperature of the planet in question should not be extremely stable, because then no chemical reactions would be possible; but it should not be extremely unstable, because then the organism would fall to pieces. There should be some medium for molecular interaction. Solids are not appropriate because the diffusion times are very long. Such a medium is most likely a liquid (but could possibly be a very dense gas) that is stable in a number of respects. It should have a large temperature range (for a liquid, the temperature difference between freezing point and boiling point should be large). The liquid should be difficult to vaporize and to freeze; in fact, it should be very difficult to change its temperature at all. In addition it should be an excellent solvent. There should also be some gas on the planet in question that could be used in various biologically mediated cycles, as CO2 is in the carbon cycle on Earth. The planet, therefore, should have an atmosphere and some near-surface liquid, although not necessarily an ocean. If the intensity of ultraviolet light or charged particles from the sun is intense at the planetary surface, there must be some place, perhaps below the surface, that is shielded from this radiation but that nevertheless permits useful chemical reactions to occur. Since after a certain period of evolution, lives of unabashed heterotrophy lead to malnutrition and death, autotrophs must exist. Chemoautotrophs are, of course, a possibility but the inorganic reactions that they drive usually require a great deal of energy; at some stage in the cycle, this energy must probably be provided by sunlight. Photoautotrophs, therefore, seem required. Organisms that live very far subsurface will be in the dark, making photoautotrophy impossible. Organisms that live slightly subsurface, however, may avoid ultraviolet and charged particle radiation and at the same time acquire sufficient amounts of visible light for photosynthesis. Thermodynamically, photosynthesis is possible because the plant and the radiation it receives are not in thermodynamic equilibrium; for example, on the Earth a green plant may have a temperature of about 300 K while the sun has a temperature of about 6,000 K. (K = Kelvin temperature scale, in which 0 K is absolute zero; 273 K, the freezing point of water; and 373 K, the boiling point of water at one atmosphere pressure.) Photosynthetic processes are possible in this case because energy is transported from a hotter to a cooler object. Were the source of radiation at the same (or at a colder) temperature as the plant, however, photosynthesis would be impossible. For this reason the idea of a subterranean plant photosynthesizing with the thermal infrared radiation emitted by its surroundings is untenable, as is the idea that a cold star, with a surface temperature similar to that of the Earth, would harbour photosynthetic organisms. It is possible to approach some of the foregoing chemical requirements and see just which atoms are implied. When atoms enter into chemical combination, the energy necessary to separate them is called the bond energy, a measure of how tightly the two atoms are bound to each other. Table 2 gives the bond energies of a number of chemical bonds, mostly involving abundant atoms. The energies are in electron volts (eV; 1 eV = 1.6 10-12 ergs). The symbols are as follows: H, hydrogen; C, carbon; N, nitrogen; O, oxygen; S, sulfur; F, fluorine; Si, silicon; Bi, bismuth (very underabundant, biologically uninteresting, and present only as an illustration of the relatively weak chemical bonds in some metals). Bond energies generally vary between 10 eV and about 0.03 eV; double and triple bonds where two or three electrons are shared between two atoms tend to be more energetic than single bonds, single bonds more energetic than hydrogen bonds where a hydrogen atom is shared between two other atoms, and hydrogen bonds more energetic than the very weak (van der Waals) forces that arise from the attraction of the electrons of one atom for the nucleus of another. At room temperature, atoms, free or bound, move with an average kinetic energy corresponding to about 0.02 eV. Some of the atoms have greater energies, some lesser. At any temperature a few will have energies greater than any given bond energy; hence bonds occasionally will break. The higher the temperature, the more atoms there are moving with sufficient energy to spontaneously break a given bond. Suppose it is decided arbitrarily (although the decision will not critically affect the conclusions) that for life to exist at any time the fraction of bonds broken by random thermal motions must be no larger than 0.0001 percent. It then turns out that any hypothetical life where the structural bonds are based upon van der Waals forces can only exist where the temperature is below 40 K, for hydrogen bonds below about 400 K, for bonds of 2 eV below 2,000 K, and for bonds of 5 eV below 5,000 K. Now, 2,000 to 5,000 K are typical surface temperatures of stars; 400 K is somewhat above the highest surface temperature found on Earth; and 40 K is about the cloud-top temperature of distant Neptune. Thus, over the entire range of temperatures, from cold stars to cold planets, there seem to exist chemical bonds of appropriate structural stability for life, and it would appear premature to exclude the possibility of life on any planet on grounds of temperature. Life on Earth lies within a rather narrow range of temperature. Above the normal boiling point of water, much loss of configurational structure or three-dimensional geometry occurs. At these temperatures proteins become denatured, in part because above the boiling point of water the hydrogen bonding and van der Waals forces between water and the protein disappear. Also, similar bonds within the protein molecule tend to break down. Proteins then change their shapes, their ability to participate in lock-and-key enzymatic reactions is gravely compromised, and the organism dies. Similar structural changes, some of them connected with the stacking forces between adjacent nucleotide bases, occur in the heating of nucleic acids. But it is significant that these changes are not fragmentations of the relevant molecules but rather changes in the ways they fold. There appears to be no reason that configurational bonds should not have been evolved that are stable at higher temperatures than terrestrial organisms experience. On planets hotter than the Earth there seems to be no reason that slightly more stable configurational forces should not be operative in the local biochemistry.
Meaning of LIFE CYCLE in English
Britannica English vocabulary. Английский словарь Британика. 2012